Career Success Toolkit

We are excited to announce the launch of a new Canvas course designed to enhance career development opportunities for our students. Created by the Career Services Office, this course aims to provide valuable resources and strategies that can be seamlessly integrated into your classes.

Accessing the Site Materials

  • Students – Access through Canvas Open Self-Enroll 
    • 24/7 access to all modules to engage in a self-paced journey for independent learning 
      • Ability to self-select relevant modules by career topic and complete optional assignments/activities to enhance applied learning
    • Can be directed to these resources by Career Services staff as well as by our faculty/staff partner
  • Faculty/Staff – Access through Canvas Commons
    • Before proceeding to the course, please fill out this form.
    • Search for “Career Success Toolkit”, then import modules into Canvas courses/project sites
    • Created for educational use within/outside of classroom to better integrate career into the student experience
      •  Each module contains at least one assignment/activity to help students apply the career information
        • Ability for faculty/staff to select and provide relevant modules to students as well as adapt the assignment/activity if needed
  • Alumni - Graduates lose access to Canvas about a year post-graduation 
    • To gain access, you will need to fill out this form to request access to the course
    • Career Services will manually invite you to the Canvas site with the personal email you provide in the above form

Course Content Overview


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