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We understand that selecting a major and navigating the career process can be overwhelming. Our goal is to assist you in finding your path while empowering you to be successful on your journey to graduation and beyond. We're all here to answer questions you may have along the way!
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Career Counselors Interns
14 of 101 results
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Amy Juarez-NietoJuarez-NietoAmyOperations Assistant
Amanda RitterRitterAmandaAssistant Director for Internship Connections
Remigio CasanovaCasanovaRemigioInternship Connections Specialist
Jessica AlvaAlvaJessicaCareer Experiences Coordinator
Ross WoodWoodRossAssociate Director of Career Services, Liaison to the College of Education and Veterans Resource
Elisa DeFordDeFordElisaCareer Educator, Liaison to the College of Science & Engineering
Adam HernandezHernandezAdamCareer Educator, Liaison to the College of Fine Arts and Communication
Nikky BissonnetteBissonnetteNikkyCareer Educator, Liaison to the College of Liberal Arts
Angélica CarringtonCarringtonAngélicaCareer Educator, Liaison to the College of Applied Arts
Dr. Sheyenne KrysherKrysherSheyenneAssistant Director for Career Engagement & Assessment
Shelby JimenezJimenezShelbyCareer Outreach and Engagement Specialist
Dr. Greg HillHillGregAssistant Director, Career Planning & Exploration
Sherry YangYangSherryCareer Counselor, Liaison to The Graduate College and Honors College
Aubrey TrujilloTrujilloAubreyCareer Counselor, Liaison to the College of Health Professions
Mason MurphyMurphyMasonCareer Counselor, International Student Resource
Shekinah WuWuShekinahCareer Counseling Intern
Jonquil MurdochMurdochJonquilCareer Counseling Intern
Jasmine PrincePrinceJasmineCareer Counseling Intern
Hilda CantuCantuHildaCareer Counseling Intern
Savannah SantibanezSantibanezSavannahCareer Counseling Intern
Morgan BloomfieldBloomfieldMorganCareer Counseling Intern
Brooklyn TorresTorresBrooklynCareer Counseling Intern
Stacey Robinson-GardnerRobinson-GardnerStaceyCareer Counseling Intern